Wontone Automotive Education
Wontone Automotive Education was found in 1988, it is one of CEEG's brands.
Wontone Automotive Education was founded in
1988. It is the Designated Training Base for China's Automotive Technology
Talents, China Automotive Industry Demonstration Vocational Education Group,
China Automotive Vocational Education Group Standing Director Unit and China
Automotive Engineering Society Director Unit.
Wontone Automotive Education has always
focused on cultivating the shortage type of automotive professional talents.
With the goal of "running the best vocational education in China", it
has established 25 colleges in China and established cooperative relations with
more than 27,000 enterprises. Wontone Automotive Education is committed to
creating the high-quality, strictly managed and modern professional automotive
education colleges.
"Explore the innovation and development path of vocational education. Do the best vocational education in the world."
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